Searching For Miracles Poem by Kenneth Maswabi

Searching For Miracles

Pacing through the corridors of mega churches
Searching for that defining moment
When his or her name will be called
Prophetically embalmed for success
Miraculous heavenly dispensation
Or deceptive words of wickedness
Born in the minds of men
Hope, Faith and Love vandalized
By the wicked hands of man
Foraging for a living
Inside the forest of desperation

Pamela Sinicrope 12 May 2016

Well done Kenneth. It's been awhile since I've visited your page. I'm glad I came back for this one. The style of this poem seems different from some of your other work...more terse...each word carefully selected and included. The line 'embalmed for success' is spot on. Loved that. Thanks for sharing. ...I'm not against church, but against what you describe. Hope, faith and love are essential and yes, they can be vandalized.

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Kenneth Maswabi 16 May 2016

Thanks Pam...i'm happy i managed to capture this new phenomenon nowadays is used to seek miracles not to seek the word of God.

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Kagiso Mogale 04 May 2016

The false prophets are in our midst & they are using everyone's calamities to their advantage. The church has become a jest house. I'm giving it a 10, truly loved it

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Kenneth Maswabi 16 May 2016

Tanki Kagiso...i really appreciate your comment.

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Kenneth Maswabi

Kenneth Maswabi

Maun, Botswana
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