Secret Nook Poem by John A'Hern

Secret Nook

Day after day life goes on
What will we make of our ending
when it is our turn
Sadness can sometimes engulf
Friends are leaving last journey they make
This older age rule when was it made?
My garden my second love awaits
It waits each day my visits it trusts
I built a nook to dream the day away
A secret it must remain from all but me
I sit and I watch the bird life that abounds
I feed them and watch their behaviour
I drift into sleep so quiet and private
My nook protects from all the world can throw at me
We are in the queue, age making us weary
My nook so secret from all around me
It puts its arms around my very being
My dreams my nook is disturbed by sirens
The sirens that sound when someone is troubled
I leave this nook that guards and protects
Back into the world of worries and media
News is listened to and watched each day
What is truth and what is news worthy
Enough of all these worries
A cup of tea will fix the anguish
Sit with my first love and talk so quietly
The questions are now yours
The answers?

Sunday, October 13, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: decisions,secret
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