Self-Sacrifice Poem by Sari Mavi


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Is there enough love for
Everyone in the world?
The answer is "yes"

Love can be found in many places, and
It is expressed in many different ways

(It is ironic that human beings seek love
As if it is a scarce commodity)
Love is a responsibility
When a relationship develops
The two individuals involved owe
A commitment to one another

They must willingly compromise
and have shared goals
They must enjoy one another
There must be mutual trust,
support, and
Show sincere interest in the other's activities

The truth is true love is selfless
It is prepared to sacrifice
Be willing to give your all -
It will be well worth it!

Monday, January 29, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: love and life,sacrifice,worthy
Invisible One I Am Not Here 29 January 2018

Beautiful but what is wrong is that many people are selfish and are not willing to give their all but yet they will take all you have to give! thank you for sharing x

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Anil Kumar Panda 29 January 2018

A very nice poem on love. Love develops with mutual respect, understanding and faith. 'The truth is true love is selfless It is prepared to sacrifice Be willing to give your all - It will be well worth it! ... is a very nice stanza. Thanks for sharing.

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