(senryu)the Sunday Funnies Of Old Poem by WES Vogler

(senryu)the Sunday Funnies Of Old

Rating: 5.0

(senryu)The Sunday Funnies Of Old
with limerick addendum part six

Polly And Her Palsremembered

Remember Neewah?
I think the cat was the star
they'd great colorists

Polly And Her Pals Wes

Here's the FAMily Perkins.. there's Paw
And the always most critical Maw
With Ashur the nephew
And Polly the daughter, who
Kept the pot boiling an'aw... an' aw

(the cat's name was kitty, and
Paw's constant shadow)

Tiny Timremembered

Miniature lad
Perspective was always skewed
Toyland come alive

Tiny Tim Wes

From July thirty three to May fifty-eight
Tim and Dolly, his sister, were great
Sometimes eight inches tall
Or two ... (hardly at all)
Stanley Link... he determined their fate.

Beetle Baileyremembered

Started Nineteen Fifty
Camp Swampy, company A
Ever-running gag... (perpetually changing
branches of the army such as Artillery,
Armor, Infantry, and Paratroops.)

Beetle Bailey Wes

The battling team of Sarge and Bailey
Presented a presence of ne'er ending melee
With Halftrack the General,
Miss Buxley... (the men are all
Taken up with her ev'ry move, daily)

(did you know that Beetle's sister is Lois
from "Hi and Lois"? .. so a good trivia question
would be "What is Lois Flagston's maiden name? ")

Hi and Lois remembered

Competes with "Blondie"
In admirable fashion
Such a family

Hi and Lois Wes

They're a lovely young family ne'er growing old
Which is nice, if I may be so bold
Early stuff was hilarious
Situations so various
And Dawg... he protected the fold


A riotous group
Gloriously cornball strip
I like the fat broad

BC Wes

Genius, (Peter)and Ladies man, (Thor)
Cute chick and fat broad (the one they abhor)
With peg-legged Wiley
And 'Curls', acting slyly
Plus 'Clumsy Carp', 'BC',and 'Grog' (say no more)

(news flash:'The Midnight Skulker'
was in reality ...'BC')

Wiz Of Id remembered

"The King Is A Fink"
Age of chivalry twisted
Oh that prisoner

The Wiz Of Id Wes

The 'King' and the 'Wiz' (also 'Bung')
Are 'runts' in our good mother tongue
Sweet 'Gwen' and Wiz's 'Blanche'
Are the females perchance
One is old and the other is young

The catacomb's pris'ner is 'Spook'
And the Duke is a bit of a kook
There is Rodney of course
With the snout of a horse...
No one's destiny e'er more forsook.

(trivia: The Spook's full name is
Wellington J. Farnsworth Spookingdorf The Third)

Big Chief Wahooremembered

Hawk-nosed injun imp
Leventy-thousand chuckles
And Minnie Ha-Cha

Big Chief Wahoo Wes

'The Great Gusto'... t'was meant to be, first
'Big Chief Wahoo' won out when rehearsed
Minnie Ha-Cha and he
Reached the public with glee
For ten years 'til their bubble was burst

(Wahoo started in 1936 but in 1946 the
title was changed to 'Steve Roper')

Once again thank you for accompanying me down memory lane.

(senryu)the Sunday Funnies Of Old
Saturday, June 9, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: fun,limerick,people,rhyme,senryu
Grace Diane Jessen 10 June 2018

What fun to remember all those old comics! Fun to read your verses, too!

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wes vogler 11 June 2018

what do the red and green thumbs mean Tom is green and you are red

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tom billsborough 10 June 2018

Joyous memories of the delight our comics gave us. What a mrvellous ensemble you have gathered together for us. Magnificent, Wes. Some I shall have to Google as they were trapped your side of the pond but most are familiar Well done

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wes vogler 10 June 2018

thanks Tom we need a cat report

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Robert Murray Smith 09 June 2018

Takes me back Wes. To where don't ask me, hee hee! ++10

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Kelly Kurt 09 June 2018

Wunnerful! ! ! The Lois trivia is new to me. Today's cartoons are pathetic.

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WES Vogler

WES Vogler

Vancouver BC Canada
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