πŸ’• Sensual Beauty's Vivid Portrait πŸ’• Poem by James McLain

James McLain

James McLain

From Tampa Florida And Still Living Near By

πŸ’• Sensual Beauty's Vivid Portrait πŸ’•

In realms of verse, let's paint a picture fair,
Of beauty's grace, a woman beyond compare.
With flowing hair, cascading long and free,
Her eyes adorned with hues of purple, we see.

Her legs, a vision, long and slender,
Graceful limbs, a testament to splendor.
Luscious lips that speak words so sweet,
Captivate hearts, a body I greet.

And yet, in tender whispers, we confess,
Of attributes known, we seek to address.
Her lactating breasts, nourishing and full,
Symbolize life's essence, love intertwined.

A fullness within, a vessel of creation,
Her vibrant femininity, a divine sensation.
As she walks, elegance adorns each stride,
Her enchanting presence, impossible to hide.

The taste of sweetness, a rare sensation,
Her rectum's allure, a delicate libation.
A symphony of senses, a tantalizing sensation,
A mingling of desires, where passions meet.

In this poetic dance, we celebrate her glow,
A woman unique, a marvel to know.
A fusion of beauty, both inside and out,
She embodies desire, to her man without doubt.

So let us raise a glass to this portrait sublime,
A woman of radiance, transcending time.
In twenty lines, we captured but a glimpse,
Of her essence, a tapestry of beauty's imprints.

James McLain

James McLain

From Tampa Florida And Still Living Near By
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