Show Them Your Wrath! ! Poem by Preston Mwiinga

Show Them Your Wrath! !

You don't not deserve to be used and dumped
You do not deserve to be mourning
Why do you allow torture?
Why do you allow to be used?
Your real place is happiness.

Come on think like a hacker but remember to
Defend yourself like a ninja.
You can protect yourself like a Rose that uses thorns for defense
Let them not take advantage of your gender.
Is it because you are a woman?
Your real happiness depends on you.
Defend yourself like a thistle that uses prickles as defense so that
Whoever tries to bring pain to you faces it hard,

Use your mechanical weapon to help yourself in your daily life.
Do not allow scorn act like a cactus that uses spines to keep safe.

Be your own poison to selfish men,
You can survive without them like a catholic nun.
Be poisonous to them like a sumac plant.

Come on sister irritate all the bad guys in your life, like a nettle plant that
Uses irritating acids to send away enemies
Irritate them because they came be bad omens in your life.

You see you still have room for happiness.
Why should you allow scorn?
Why should you allow discrimination?
Why should you allow torture?

Don't be like a rock coast hit by the waves unto a cave
Help yourself and other women out there.

Sunday, April 17, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: fighter,woman,womanhood
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