Snow Much Fun Poem by Marquita Lawson

Snow Much Fun

We moved to San Diego in 1971 and have not had a white Christmas since, well, if you don't count the white beach sand, that is. I read a blogger's description of 'snow forts with ice flagstone' and that hit home. The sounds of friends giggling while having snow fun came rushing into my mind. We even got creative one year and carved out an igloo in our backyard in Levittown.
We'd rush to the patio to stand near the dryer vent to warm our hands. It didn't matter that the vent blew out moist air, we just didn't ever want to give up and go inside because that would be the end of the outdoor fun for the day.

We weren't so much into making snowmen. However, there was the Seasonal Sentinel made, which marked territories throughout the neighborhood. But once it was standing, with a carrot nose, large navy jacket button eyes, stick arms and a winter scarf wrapped around it, the daily plan was for building those forts and stockpiling snowballs until we had a supply to keep the volley going until dusk each evening.

The next day we'd sail down whatever hill we could find while sitting atop those "flying saucers" as we would call them, all the while giggling and shouting with joy.

The evenings would always end by the fireplace, sipping hot chocolate. It didn't make our joy any less when the radio announced school closures due to snow.

I hadn't thought about all those details in a very long time. Keep your sled handy. It's going to be a long winter, and I'm still in Southern California.

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