So many broken hearts I see
Broken hearts that need to be free
Troubled souls out in the cold
Darkened clouds over them hold
Tears that flow like the summer rain
From deep inside their souls they drain
With hardened chains their hearts are bound
Unable even to make a sound
I see your pain I feel your plight
I tell you now stand up and fight
Break free and for all it`s worth
Let your life have a brand new birth
Take charge of your life today
Turn around and walk the other way
Chase those clouds that sting your heart
See the sun and a brand new start
Your little hearts they just need love
Let it shower you from above
With a small start let it in
And with a little hope let it begin
Your broken heart and your empty soul
I send you love to make it whole
flooded with positivity.. reflects the state of a broken as well as a hopeful heart.. while reading it the flow somehow made an impression that there's a connection building between both the states of heart.. the hopeful and the one which has lost all hope.. nice write.. truly like it..
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
This is a really uplifting poem that make you want to break free of all ties and start everything all over again. Utterly unfettering in all release... this poem not only clips and chinks away at the corporeal bonds but also the ethereal ones too... freeing your body, mind, heart, spirit and soul.. so you can step into the sunshine from the rain and glisten irrdescently for a moment. So joyous and full of glee that the exuberance just leaps for the page and make you dance to it merry tune. Very rhythmatic and flowing this one is! Just one small typo I think in line 6? should the line not start with from not form? Both fit but Form would link the previous line whilst from is mor epresent in the line it is presented in? Other than that my friend this is very good indeed! Dale :)