From deep inside it starts to brew
As it in your tummy passes through
Then at times it just can’t stop
When out the back it just seems to pop
If not by sound then by smell
Where it came from you can often tell
All embarrassed with red faces
Especially if in public places
We have all done it right from the start
Accidently let out a great big fart
A hoot from start to finish.Who has not been trapped in a lift facing accusing glances from the other occupants.When something silent but deadly permeates the atmosphere and akk are suspect
LOL, LOL, LOL- after reading the title of all of your poem, this one stood out first...not that the others are not interesting titles. 'Fart' yes, all have done it...poets must dare write about things that are a fact. Nice images and pleasing end rhymes...keep writing.
Haha! Good poem. The minute I saw the title to it I knew I had to read it. I guess it's the immature kid in all of us. Also, the fact that it was still a good poem, and even rhymed, was very impressive.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
this is a good one lol