So Many People Poem by Lawrence S. Pertillar

So Many People

So many people...
View life to see through tunnels.
Many people...
Only live to just receive.

People heard to complain,
About those things they can change...
Are seldom heard expressing 'thanks',
For what they've got.

So many people...
View life to see through tunnels.
Many people...
Only live to just receive.

People who make their gains,
From others they do not name...
Are seldom giving gratitude,
For what they've got.

So many people,
Only think about themselves a lot.
So many people,
Like to brag about themselves nonstop.
So many people,
Who achieve to get themselves to the top...
Will never tell who got them there to get it.

People who make their gains,
From others they do not name...
Will never tell who got them there to get it.
So many people,
Only think about themselves a lot.
So many people,
Like to brag about themselves nonstop.
So many people,
Who achieve to get themselves to the top...
Are the first to find themselves in pity pits.

Viewing life through tunnels.
And living to receive,
Are the people dripping tears in pity pits.
To do...
With a wanting for some empathy to get.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: life
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