Solemn Promise To God Poem by Richard Wlodarski

Solemn Promise To God

Rating: 5.0

So damn scared
On that ledge
Jagged rocks
Flared nostrils
Heart pumping
Like damn hell
Mind stopping
Praying to God
Knees shaking
Body dead
Mind frozen
God I'm scared
Can't damn move
Road to hell
Can't die now
Way too young
I speak now
With One God
Make promise
Spread His Word
If He spares
My life now
Like before
Word of God
On my lips
In your heart

Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: god,prayer,spirituality,sweat
In 1978, I was trapped on a cliff in San Diego. Complete strangers felt helpless re: my dilemma. They wanted to call the fire department. I asked them to hold on for a few minutes. I knew that if I made just one slight error, I would fall to my death. I prayed harder than ever in my life. I promised God that I would spread His Word if He kept me alive. He sent The Holy Spirit to guide me to safety. I've never broken my promise. My most efficient and effective way to spread His Word is through my spiritual poetry.
Rose Marie Juan-austin 19 March 2020

What a poignant and wonderful story. Indeed, an evidence of God's miracles. If we ask and pray ardently to God, He will grant our request. He is a.generous God. Happy to know, Richard that you fulfilled your promise to Him and still continuing this noble endeavor, an affirmation of your deep faith. Beautifully written.

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Michael Hopkins 17 March 2020

Nice to hear your story and that you are a man of your word. Yes, poetry is a good way to get the Message across. Same reason that I write Richard. Well written.

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Eva Mae Witt 17 March 2020

WOW! Richard, I was actually in a similar many years ago and I deeply prayed to God, TO spare my life and as long as i live I will never say or do one more bad thing to ever hurt one's feelings on this precious earth we live on. I have kept my promise to this day. The power of spiritual poetry can be a REAL spiritual and code to live by. BRAVO, to you Richard for sharing this fantastic poem to many poets and people on this beautiful planet earth we live and thrive on.

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Richard Wlodarski 22 March 2020

It makes me happy that you have kept your word to God. I look forward to reading some of your spiritual poetry. Eva Mae, thank you for your positive response.

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