Somebody Said...A Poem In A Coloring Book Poem by Dorothy (Alves) Holmes

Somebody Said...A Poem In A Coloring Book

Somebody said,
'He's too fat! '
Somebody said,
'She' too tall.'
Somebody said,
'He's too big.'
Somebody said
'She's too small.:
Somebody said, 'I won't
play with them at all! '
Somebody said,
'He's too short to play
that sport.'
Somebody said, 'Don't
put him on my team! '
'I don't care if it does
sound mean.'
Somebody said, ' I sure
hate people that color.'
Somebody said, 'You
can't trust nobody when
their skin is yellow! '
Somebody else said,
'Yeah, I hate them with
their black skin.'
Somebody said, 'If they
are white or red, they
can't be your friend.'
Somebody said, 'I hate
the way she walks...'
'and I hate the way she
wears her hair.'
Somebody said,
'They're so poor, they
dont belong anywhere.'
Somebody said
'She sure thinks she's
cute. He's crippled...'
'Did you know she's
a mute? '
Too short, too tall,
too big, too small,
too yellow, too black,
too red, too white!
Somebody's always
trying to start a fight!
Is that somebody you?
Well that somebody
just won't do!
Why can't they see
the very special things
about me? '
Somebody said!

Dorothy Alves Holmes

Somebody Said
A poem for children written by me in 1982 after a little girl at one school, approched me shyly and asked me if anyone had ever hurt my feelings. She said someone had said something really mean to her. I wrote this poem in my head driving home that day. The poem/book was illustrated by David Brain Crain in the time David was a thirty year old artist, and the author of nine children's stories. During the summer of 1985 he was seriously injured in an accidental fall, just a few weeks after his graduation from James Madison University. As a result of his accident, David became a quadroplegic completelu paralyzed below his shoulders. In 1989 a friend talked David into illustrating The Morshallow Dragon. Which Daivid did using a wand in his mouth on his Mac Computer. David heard me recite the poem 'Somebody Said' at at a writer's guild meeting. He said he knew right a way this would ake a great children's coloring book and it has! David expired in 2009.
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