Sonnet For The Utility Of Man Poem by Danny Draper

Sonnet For The Utility Of Man

Rating: 5.0

To eke and toil and from this world recoil
Is it just to perpetuate lifes' plan
As fare for vital precious time consumed
What efforts progressed tired seniors hands?
Did tasks outcomes satisfy and sustain
Or pressure for weekly income overload,
What value the organic work unit past its prime
Unproductive, producing naught, but pride?
It is not best by exertion to die
Removing risk of burden from the state
Where retirement's mortality assured
And all know their budget expected fate?
Gross worth of units is time by labour plied,
Minus losses senescent years transpire.

Danny Draper

Tuesday, April 15, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: Aging
In Australia the age of retirement is being increased and may one day be indexed to average life expectancy (poetic license) but not to be dismissed out of hand.
Kevin Patrick 24 April 2014

The same problem is happening in Canada where Retirement age has been booted up by two years, with pension plans not making as much as the standard of living can afford. It is not best by exertion to die Removing risk of burden from the state Where retirement's mortality assured And all know their budget expected fate? There's something very chilling about this, almost as if Mein Kempf had been rewriting to attack the elderly for being the problems of life. You hit home the problem that our governments and the judgment of society view the growing elderly as almost a burden, as if the first sixty years of their lives were meaningless once they reach the golden years. Fortunately I am some what miles away from reaching the land of old age, but I know I'll be there sooner, I only hope we learn that the elderly are not some unproductive contributors of society, I mean they only help created us. Scathing Sonnet I salute you!

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Valerie Dohren 21 April 2014

Well, Anthony has said it all hasn't he - the golden years are not what they are cracked up to be, often filled with heartache and disillusionment. In many cases, it is a matter of eat or heat, with rising energy costs that retired folk struggle to meet, and the cost of food constantly rising too. Another great write from your pen Danny.

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Danny Draper

Danny Draper

Kiama, New South Wales, Australia
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