Spirits About Us Poem by Randy McClave

Spirits About Us

Rating: 4.0

If they are spirits about us,
Would we do the things that we do,
Or would we want to be better persons
Especially if they be spirits we once had knew.
Would we still say the things that we do say
And would we act the ways that we do,
That is, if they are spirits among us,
And if any of them, we once had knew.
If we knew they were here about us
And that never we were not alone,
No matter where we might go or what we might do
Or whether we be traveling or here at home.
Would we act the way that we do act
Or would we think about the things that we do
Would we say the things that we do say
If we knew that a spirit were next to me or you.
Would we still cheat or think about cheating
Or telling lies to the people that we meet
Especially if we knew loved ones were next to us
And our sins cause those spirits to weep.
Would we still act the way that we act
And would we think about the things we do
Would we say the things that we say
Especially what's inside of me and you.
Would we still hate and cause others to sin
Even though we knew we couldn't be caught
If only that we knew the spirits were next to us
And their love for us, we haven't forgot.
So I now live my life in happiness and joy
As I want to live my life sinless and complete
Never do I want to bring sadness or any pain
As I don't know who is standing next to me.
As if they are any spirits about us
And if there is a spirit standing next to me
I would hope to bring that spirit pride and joy
Instead of sadness, disappointment and humility.
So as I bring my thinking to a closure
And as I think of the time that our life is through
We best be careful what we do or think
As we know not what spirit, is standing next to me or you.

Randy L. McClave

Thursday, January 13, 2011
Topic(s) of this poem: ghost
Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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