Spirituality Meets With Imagination Poem by RoseAnn V. Shawiak

Spirituality Meets With Imagination

Energetic and ambitious, never denying or saying no to in-
tellect, being absorbed entirely by the purpose of life,
mind taking in everything with a photographic memory.

Beautiful, enticing, powerful and enlightening, the purpose
of soul and being, an all-encompassing pastime of life, ful-
filling the essence and passion of poetical life.

Aromas of innate talent coming through knowledge and wisdom,
always being encouraged and nourished every moment of life,
careful to stay free of others opinions and orders.

Only wanting and doing what fits spirituality within my being,
thoughts arranging themselves so perfectly as I write, not
making mistakes, writing only what's being inspired by music.

Notes racing through this mind, picking and selecting words
that will rhyme succinctly without thinking twice, an effort-
less process constantly being used while writing.

Endless possibilities being created from interior depths,
making possible any and all of them coming to the foreground,
pleasure abounding, giving sustenance and wisdom.

Brain continuing to learn without hesitation, a fascinating
way to learn and improve moment by moment, a perfect synch-
ronization with music, rhythms and writing.

Sounds solid and versatile, every moment throughout time and
life, profound, deep and serene, taking me deeper all the
time into a form of contemplation.

There spirituality meets with imagination, a total experience
of euphoria meeting with reality, a perfect combination coming
from an innate subconsciousness.

Alive, vivid, ambitious and energetic, ready to focus at a
moments notice on any thought, expressing, expanding it and
finding the perfect way to place it in a poem.

Sunday, February 5, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: poem
Daniel Brick 05 February 2017

That is a powerful (in the best sense of power) combination of spirituality and imagination, it parallels body and soul, or poetry and truth (Goethe's key pairing) . This is also a poem that summarizes a period of your endeavor, consolidates what has been learned - in this case, about incorporating experiences into the creation of a True Self - and prepares for a new phase to begin soon.

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