Still Aches The Pain Poem by Deluke Muwanigwa

Still Aches The Pain

Still aches the pain

The guns are silent. No more smell ofcordite, but we still search for a piece of the peace. You promised us bountifulness in order for us to refrain from training behind the train in the rain. The inclusive peace is illusive, though we search everywhere and anywhere. It's not under the Rock of Rages, left in the cleft where we signed the armstice. Whatever it takes we search, because of what is at stake. The peace we seek is nowhere to be found.
For us, alas, still aches the pain.

What good is an armstice which is an arm twist? Before the ink is dry on the peace agreement, you think you can take us to the brink. Your rotund figure still burdens us with your callous attitude whose altitude of disdain knows no height. You arepriveleged, but you want us to live in the bush. You say we are pre-villaged and should stay there sans amenities. It's not fair to condemn us to this lair of despair. It seems the silence of the carbine was for you to buy time, for you to combine forces with your ilk, so that you can continue to milk our kith and kin.

Now, henceforth, therefore, I give the order so that order can prevail in order that you give the order to your orderlies to respect our peace agreement.Otherwise the pain of the second wave will be plain for you to see. This is not a threat, but we tell you straight. You cannot countenance the outcome.
For; for us; alas, still aches the pain.

Wednesday, August 5, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: war and peace
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