Stop The Bloodshed Poem by Theorem The Truth Serum

Stop The Bloodshed

Agents of darkness was propelled from a launcher
aimed at destroying anything that it hits.
Deliberate malice served by the hand of a butcher,
his knife is cutting up human flesh just to cut it up
because all sense has been lost so lets senselessly
cut at the innocent people so that the ones who can
be held responsible can lose support from the people
that back their faction and their efforts.
The backers just want out, they have been thrown into
a world of darkness because they have been born
on the most cursed piece of land known to man
all because it is blessed by both sides and both sides want it.
You guys want it so much that you project greed and let
its shadow of weapons fall upon all of your lands.
Saladin was the most peaceful general if there is such a title,
the Crusaders have never lived up to his example, not to my knowledge.
That is what this is, an extension of the Crusades which ended
long ago but some people can't just let it go.
They had to stick the Jews back on this land as a gift
after enduring th Holocausts, which was an admiral act.
The Palestinians weren't given a chance to object or agree,
they were supposed to open their arms to these strangers,
which were the British and Jewish population.
The British watched over this forceful transition until
the Jews took over power when they had gathered up
enough supplies like a squirrel in the fall preparing for winter.
As soon as the British left, the surrounding countries went to war
with the Jews and there were innocent people on both sides.
The Jews went back to their homeland but the Palestinians lost their homeland that they had acquired in the days of Ottoman rule.
I can only end this with something to think about, some questions;
Why do the Muslims want to control both Mecca and Jerusalem?
Isn't this greedy? Is not one good enough? Do you really want the whole
world to be under Muslim influence or is this you're way of being friendly?
Do the Jews really want to become butchers after they were butchered?
Is this the message that you want to give out to people?
Can't you guys just share the land? Isn't that what God would want?
Both of you guys have been butchered through the years but isn't it time
to break this cycle of butchering of human life?
Drop the knife and surrender to peace and enlightenment please before
you end up accidentally killing your own families.
If this ended in bloodshed, do you think this quest of lust for eachothers blood will end? If you raise a family of killers they will raise a family of killers and so on and so forth.
Stop the bloodshed in the name of peace, love, and unity or is it too late to implement those things in your cultures because you have already erased them completely?

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