Stubbornness Can Be A Comfort Poem by Lawrence S. Pertillar

Stubbornness Can Be A Comfort

Rating: 5.0

Reminisced will be missed.
Those chances we had to examine our misdeeds.
And the numerous opportunities,
We ignored to not repeat them.
With a leaving behind,
That kind of mindset to find it blinds.
But at times our stubbornness,
Can for us become a comfort.
Given to beliefs what seems to stay,
Never leaves our dependency on it.
Until that day comes when God proves to show,
Who controls with this done.
Not to few but everyone.
That a forgiveness repeatedly given.
Has its limits.
Along with a patience that runs out.
To be replaced.
By a reality many discover,
Too heartbreaking yet forced to face.
That exchanges the comfort of stubbornness.
Many awakening too late.
With the same faked faith.
Will know too unbearable to continue to take.
Without God in their lives.
To trust.
And kept obeyed.

Wednesday, June 20, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: faith
Dr Antony Theodore 20 June 2018

Will know too unbearable to continue to take. Without God in their lives. To trust. a very good poem. patience, repeatedly given forgiveness, comfort of stubbornness........ thank u dear poet for this poem. tony

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