Suicide Victims Saved Will Not Always Feel Regret? Poem by Terence George Craddock

Suicide Victims Saved Will Not Always Feel Regret?

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I could write the line time after time
perpetuating a myth suicide seekers
upon failing suddenly embrace life
sadly nine out of ten men succeed?
men are serious suicide seekers?

encouragingly nine out of ten women fail
experts shrinks define this as pleas for help
does this mean suicidal men do not seek help?
does it mean suicidal men cannot ask for help?
does it mean suicidal men have less avenues for help?

some survivors of suicide attempts
regret surviving others attempts at dying
the first thing they feel after attempts
might will be pain if waking without aid?
could be confusion drug overdose induced?

perhaps survivors will wake to shame?
perhaps to immediate overwhelming regret?
life is a gift people gifted with good lives
feature rarely on state fatality suicide lists
beautiful lines do not lean to desperation suicides

some women attempting suicide ten times
before succeeding is not a symptom of regret
therefore their damaged lives were irrepairable?
did society neglect to throw enough money at solutions?
why is love nurturing not writing into human souls?

life is a gift a true gift of love is enriching
healing repairing lives so need for desperate acts
like suicide are not needed; saving care givers
are under paid not appreciated valued supported?
good care givers are breath of hope gift from heaven?

Copyright © Terence George Craddock

Inspired by the poem 'Suicide Survival' by the poet Katherine H. Belle.
Dedicated to the poet Katherine H. Belle.
Complete version of the split image 'Why Is Love Nurturing Not Written Into Human Souls? ' by the poet Terence George Craddock.
Written in December 2015 on the 27&28.12.2015.
Terry Craddock 28 December 2015

'I'm honored that my poem, my experience, is causing someone to talk about it.' We cannot let suicide remain a taboo subject, discussions must be held, decisions made, action taken; suicide is not a disease but it is an illness we must take serious and address problem causes. There is no shame in beinf ill or asking for help. Shame is ignoring the problem.

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Katherine Belle 27 December 2015

Though the subject matter may be taboo to speak of, I'm honored that my poem, my experience, is causing someone to talk about it. You don't blame a person for catching a cold, or rupturing an appendix, so why is it that we as a society blame the victim of being mentally unwell? I feel like it is something that we need to talk about more. If it weren't so shunned, would people be more likely to seek metal help? I was treated very poorly in the hospital. Nurses told me that I was being dramatic. Or that I only did it for attention. They called me crazy. But if they had met me on any other day, most would say that a smile is the first thing they notice about me. So regularly does it accompany me that it had been deemed a permanent expression on my face by many people. It's very easy to hide behind a smile. To call fault on the victim of an illness, makes it that much easier.

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