Summer Is Nearly Over Poem by Angela Wybrow

Summer Is Nearly Over

Our long, hot summer is sadly nearly over.
No more will we see the daisy or the clover.
The leaves have already begun to fall from the trees.
No longer will the summer flowers attract busy bees.

For dinner, we’ll be cooking hearty casseroles,
To warm through our poor, cold, shivering souls.
We’ll soon be experiencing many a misty morn,
When pretty little dew-drops crystallize the lawns.

In shop windows, mannequins wear browns and greys;
Reflecting the forthcoming grey and gloomy winter days.
We’ll be dead-heading the once pretty summer flowers.
And huddle under umbrellas against the wintry showers.

About leaves on the train lines, we’ll soon have to worry,
And the wrong kind of snow will slow down those in a hurry.
Students will soon return to University, college and school,
As the weather changes from being very hot to decidedly cool.

Out of storage, we’ll retrieve our winter duvets,
And, longer in our beds, we’ll now want to stay.
With the summer season over, seafront cafes will shut up shop,
And pleasure boat rides for tourists will soon begin to stop.

The nights will grow increasingly longer.
The winds will grow increasingly stronger.
Soon, there’ll be dull days and rain drops.
No more will we be wearing strappy tops.

In our woolly hats, coats and gloves, we’ll be all snug.
At night, we’ll sit, by the fireside, with soup in a mug.
No longer will we be craving strawberry ice cream.
Of next year’s summer holiday, we’ll sit and dream.

Soon, we’ll be faced with many a hard frost,
When some of our precious plants may be lost.
Very soon, we’ll have changed our style of dressing,
From summer to winter, which is so very depressing.

Bianca F. 07 September 2011

nice structure and overall beautiful poem although i disagree with it. Winter rules!

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Anupama Anpat 07 September 2011

wonderfully constructed prose....makes me miss summers already! ! ! ! ! !

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Angela Wybrow

Angela Wybrow

Salisbury, Wilts, UK
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