Summer Sadness Poem by Darwin Henry Beuning

Summer Sadness

Rating: 5.0

Utah's summers
So much fun

But, one thing
I dislike

Is the start
of the 'Death Count'

Memorial Day weekend
Through Labor Day

Officially called
100 Deadliest Days of Summer

Traffic accidents, drownings
Murders and such

Daily, newscasters
Comparing the count
This years to last

Please stop
I'm reminded enough

Friday, May 27, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: death,holidays,summer
Written early morning,27 May 2016.Today, my wife and I will take our chances and venture out on the road.
Darwin Henry Beuning 01 July 2016

1 July 2016,4: 30am. doing what I love to do, reviewing poems. With local news in the background. A Utah Highway Patrol, (UHP) update, to date there have been 38 traffic deaths in Utah, during the 101 deadliest days of summer. And the count goes on.

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Darwin Henry Beuning 06 September 2016

We just celebrated the Labor Day weekend here in Utah. Eighty-nine traffic deaths were reported in Utah during the 101 deadliest days of summer. This is down from the one hundred and eleven reported in 2015.

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Darwin Henry Beuning 17 September 2020

This year 102 people died on Utah roads during the time period.

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Michael Walker 12 February 2019

Summers can be a sad time, when they should be joyful. The road toll is high in my country also. It is compulsory to wear a seat belt in NZ. An engaging, statistics poem, which made me think deeper about driving.

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Darwin Henry Beuning 09 April 2018

9 April 2018,0820am. Utah highway fatalities are down by a third in the first quarter of 2018. A total of 22 have died so far, compared with 33 having died last year. Statistics this year reflect a more Normal amount of fatal crashes. I do not think there is anything normal about Death. 4 of the people who dies in crashes were pedestrians. Of the 18 people who died why driving or riding in a vehicle,7 had not been wearing seat belts. Our American highways are Highways of Death.

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Darwin Henry Beuning 07 September 2017

0600am,7 September. Utah's Deadliest Days of Summer are over. 87 lives were lost, of which,25 were not wearing seat belts. This is only traffic accidents. Lower than previous years.

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Bri Edwards 03 July 2017

AND no radio! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

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Darwin Henry Beuning

Darwin Henry Beuning

Melrose, Minnesota
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