Sweet Sister Poem by James McLain

James McLain

James McLain

From Tampa Florida And Still Living Near By

Sweet Sister

Like me when you have known.
The charm of my sweet sisters.
And sincere from infancy at any age,
you whom are only because,
you never had one I stand above this.

The envy compared to the year when it matures,
or the smile where you are bitterer than damaged wine.
But perfume like hers from the open flower.
Which crosses the line of infancy,
home run period for hours, petrified forest atrophies.

The voice growing quick to joy is delightful,
sweet is my sister she seems like a calmness.
Obtaining - sea.
She enjoys each quick spring.
From the time when time thought which I knew.

And by some puritan thoughts I detect I should wither.
If you could must would you have a sweet sister?
From time before those times the flower was.
O' she cries and my pride how it swells my sweet sister.
Obtaining - her faithful life long friend.

Her brother pledged,
and our pride and her power increased.
Tears of sorrow released which were broken.
And pleasure as each revolution of earth,
spins out of control but carefully.

James McLain

James McLain

From Tampa Florida And Still Living Near By
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