Sweet Treat… Poem by Theresa Ann Moore

Sweet Treat…

Rhonda Wright where are you going today?
'I must go to the grocery store with out delay.'
What is it that you are lacking? What do you need?
'There is a special something on my list… let's proceed.'

'I want something sweet to satisfy my mouth watering craving.
I've been deprived because of my serious misbehaving.
I am much improved. Most assuredly, I will be rewarded…
My efforts lately have indeed been the best ever recorded! '

Here is the candy isle…. 'Mommy, may I have a chocolate bar? '
'No honey, I think that we can find something better by far.'
There is no better treat… what could she be thinking?
'It is true, ' she said… convincingly without blinking.

We are by rows of colorful fruit and crunchy green vegetables.
She is getting fruit… Oh no, my mother has become unstable!
'Trust me, the natural sugar contained within will be incredibly tasty.
Please, no fretting or embarrassing tantrums. Don't be rash or hasty.'

With a sad expression, Rhonda followed as mother shopped.
Today is a bad day… disappointment can not be stopped.
On the way home Rhonda asked, 'Why are you being so unkind? '
Mother responded, 'Your happiness is what I have in mind.'

This was the strangest answer Rhonda could ever expect to hear.
Her mother smiled and gave her a big hug… she seemed sincere.
Candy can create problems, like dreadful tooth decay.
It can also fuel hyperactivity, which makes a long hectic day.

'Let's give it a try and see what you think after the experiment.'
Mother served bowls of melon balls that were sweet and succulent.
Rhonda wondered why she had never tried this delight before.
After consuming, she asked if it would be okay to have more.

revised 2/13/09

Theresa Ann Moore

Theresa Ann Moore

Michigan, U.S.A.
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