Tale Of Two Cities Poem by Mehta Hasmukh Amathaal

Tale Of Two Cities

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In single second they were no more
Death had taken their toll and devastated more
Humanity cried and world grieved little more
Can we dream about it in future any more?

No sensible person may prefer to answer
No nations may love to involve any more
The consequences are before us to judge
Still some more information is yet to be divulged

World never knew about man made holocaust
Who has measured the loss it had cost?
Many war lords had enjoyed drink that night
Whole world was stunned and switched off the light

War might have come to an end
But wounds were never to be healed
We have not forgotten it yet
Resolve by heart not to repeat as it is still not late

We may want control over whole globe
We may not fear about inquiry or any probe
Yet millions of death may certainly curse you
When you may have to face the ordeals and go through

Those war clouds are not yet over
Many trigger happy countries are searching cover
Africans are killing their own brethrens
Middle East is slowly eaten away by chickens

Who cares for moral right and freedom for individuals?
When we are not aware of our rights and take it as casual
Why can't we put our house in order first then look around?
Poverty, misery, loot, plunders and famine is everywhere to be found

When have we won any war on earth?
Where have we provided them happiness and health?
Children die of malnutrition and elders of hunger
Where can we go and look for to express our anger?

Drop such a bomb that can take away ills
Develop weapon than can offer death at will
Harvest such kind of crop that can feed entire universe
Then there won't be any need to weep and offer curse

Mehta Hasmukh Amathalal 07 September 2012

Uvi Poznansky This is a prayer and a demand at the same time. Strong Thursday at 9: 03pm · Like » BEWARE (is b.. tnx sir, nice one

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Mehta Hasmukh Amathalal 07 September 2012

All is well Sir...But... Develop weapon that can offer death at will.....? Not a good Idea Sir!

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Mehta Hasmukh Amathalal 07 September 2012

EXCEPTIONAL Muhammad Naveed Ahmed8 minutes ago Exceptional...Inspiring...A reflection of my own thoughts. Comment +1 good

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Mehta Hasmukh Amathalal 07 September 2012

Edward Wilkes14 minutes ago I like it

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In single second they were no more Death had taken their toll and devastated more

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Mehta Hasmukh Amathaal

Mehta Hasmukh Amathaal

Vadali, Dist: - sabarkantha, Gujarat, India
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