Teach Me Some Poetry Poem by Safiyyah Manjra

Teach Me Some Poetry

I have a little poem,

That's built on fate,
It's a little thing that'll take your heart rate.

This little poem is about everything,
I keep searching for it as it is so full of meaning.
I don't seem to understand what it is saying.

This little poem takes me away,
It can also strangle my heart and leave it stray.
I still love it in every way.

This little poem says words I can't ever say to him,
It begins each word ever so prim,
Some of them can be really grim.

This little poem is beautiful,
It's elegance is very graceful.
It can cause one to be very emotional.

This little poem I want to give to you,
As it shows all that you do.

This little poem is one which I have yet to master.
As they all seem to be long and carry on after.

So teach me to write this little poem.
So that I can perfect it and give it to all of him.

Friday, January 26, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: care,caregiving,fun,knowledge,teacher,thinking ,thoughts
Safiyyah Manjra 26 January 2018

Thank you Robert i think so too. Most of my poems are based on experience but I am trying to better the language. It is a process alright.

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