Tell Me Poem by Mohammad Younus

Tell Me

Tell me,
Why am I so devoted to The Peace, my essence?
I cherish the quiet that The Peace bestows,
Where the divine voice shadows all others,
Where I lose myself, drowning in echoes divine.
In that stillness, I find solace in the voice.
Why wouldn't I listen to that voice?

The voice of The Peace deepens my wisdom,
Laden with secrets, each one a reminder,
Of the true self that I hold within,
Stripping away all that I am not,
Leaving only the essence of my being.
Yet, could there be more secrets to know?
Am I capable of more secrets to know?

Am I not molded from the spirit you breathed,
From the essence you infused in all creation?
Am I not a reflection of your desire
To manifest yourself in this form?
Am I not you? Are you not me?
What else can be my essence?

Then, if you are me, what am I truly?
A mirror of your beauty!
A reflection of your truest image!
I exist because you will it,
To show you are the essence of all,
And that humanity is one and the same.

So tell me, if I were to truly listen,
What would I hear?
A truth too heavy to bear?
Or a silence that finally frees me,
From counting the numbers?


Tell Me
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