Terminator: War Of The Robots Poem by Paula Glynn

Terminator: War Of The Robots

The earth year 3000
Terminator the 1984 graphic film
Robots on the rampage
War after devastating war
Sabotage of the robots

Developed early
In primitive yet advanced
Technology moving forward
Century after century
Even ancient Rome to the Victorians
To carry the story of technology
Scientists and philosophers
With their vast imagination
Of the galactic future

For Sophia the robot
The first real robot
To learn the English language
To learn human movement
And to communicate efficiently
The robot an attractive humanoid

Although other robots
Functional yet basic
Theory of technology
Advancing this modern world
Taking humans to the 21st century
Making the legends' predictions come true
Psychic visions of technology
Pulling humankind into virtual reality

Where they travel through space
NASA sending the Rover robot
To Mars, the red planet
That has always fascinated
Humans when the planet discovered
Centuries ago by astronomers

And robots walk and talk
That even deliver mail
Their futuristic programming
Highly advanced
Yet totally simple
When scientifically applied
To technological theories

And computers are able
Talk to all people in any language
Like the speaker Alexia
Google to be innovative
With their clever applications

Earth year 3000 comes around
Robots with threatening intelligence
Racing for the destruction that is war
Able to drive the car in any situation
Themselves to shoot guns
Navigate geographical areas
Turn lights on and off in homes
Lock doors
Set off alarms
And make terrible trouble

But will robots
Destroy humankind?
Or will humans
Destroy themselves
With their own guns
And own crimes
Against humanity?

We must save ourselves
No matter the robots
We create and control
With our knowledge
Of computer science
And other subjects
In science and technology
That benefit this planet

Where our destiny lies
Only we can decide
And keeping control
Will save our planet
Every time we protect
Our fellow citizens

No matter the century
We are the masters
Of destiny and fate
And only the human race
Can stop the soul destroying hate.

Paula Glynn

Paula Glynn

Essex, Britain
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