Terrorist Trilogy (Part I) Sudden Attack Poem by Tushar Ray

Terrorist Trilogy (Part I) Sudden Attack

It was live TV (Phoenix) in early morning 9/11/2001
On the lofty sky of gleaming Manhattan
Black smoke was spewing out in a rage
From the southern Twin Tower of lower Manhattan:
Our majestic World Trade Center
While a roaring Jumbo jet appeared in haste
In a total unsightly call and
Suddenly zeroed in on the northern Twin Tower
As if an angry hawk going after its prey!
A swift twist
A risky turn
Then came the crashing B-O-O-M
Intense explo-s-ion!
A huge blazing fire
Flaming towers
Flying debris
Smoking sky
A bulging twisted uproar of sudden horror!
Then came the sweeping waves of deep panic shocks
One after another in quick succession
From the World Trade Center to the world over
On the World Wide Web
A real time runs of a frightening reality!

The majestic twin-towers of Manhattan
Suddenly vanished in blazing flame into oblivion!
Right before the tearful eyes of the world.
And then came in quick succession
Waves of dismay
Waves of doubt
Waves of anger
Suddenly a thought crossed my mind
Could these be the acts of skyjackers on board?
A terrorist act
Oh my God, It I-s a terrorist-act!
Instant killing of thousands of innocent folks!
Who the hell would do a thing like that?
Who are these crazy souls?
Are they really humans or brutes in human garb?

How could they harbor so much hate in their hearts?
So as to bully the world becoming the human bombs!

These despicable souls hope to change the world
By imposing their sick wills on us
Using the sole tactics of gruesome terrors
Indeed, they are the misguided sadistic souls
In the disguise of humanity
Who are total misfits in our modern day civil Society.

The free world was conscious of it in no time
And realized the imminent threat to mankind
All nations became united in crucial protest
The UN condemned
The whole world roared up in one great voice
“Let’s tear up the terrorist’s network
And make the world a safer haven
For our upcoming generations to live on”
“So be it! ” Said the silent voice of our Mother Earth
“Let’s destroy the terrorists’ network
Before they get to other chances to act”
Reacted the angry world in this great upheaval

And - all through this chilling episode
The Universal Mother stayed busy as a feedback witness
For our humanity to react in full conscience
As this new drama quickly began to unfold!
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Friday, July 10, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: terrorism
Tushar Ray

Tushar Ray

Kolkata, India
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