That Afternoon Poem by Pradip Chattopadhyay

That Afternoon

Rating: 5.0

Little ones we were playmates that leisurely afternoon
The daughter of our poor maid she danced to my tune
Shyly quiet emaciated slim her eyes were bluish deep
One loud word a raised eyebrow was enough to make her weep.

She wouldn’t hum a single tune nor would ever dance
Loved to be there all by herself kept from me a distance
The lonely hour of that afternoon my mum was sound asleep
The girl was there I sniffed my chance for playing on her mischief.

I invited her for a time together to play with me hide and seek
With downed eyes she moved her head her ‘no’ was feebly meek
On that day I had to have my way to play some prank on her
My insistence benumbed her sense courage she failed to muster.

I showed her the room where she would remain till I found a place to hide
Should be there with eyes closed till I cooed my instructions she must abide
The windows of that room I shut them fast so no sound could come out
Explained to her it was to ensure from her place she couldn’t look out.

The poor girl followed what I told her she was a soul sans all wickedness
As she went into the room a cloud’s shadow passed on her innocent face
That afternoon in childish whim what I did I don’t find easy to condone
I played the game mean locked the girl in left her in the dark room alone.

I left her there in her nightmare happy to have caused her the pain
A playful prank a darned mischief in which the child saw a big gain
When they brought her out she was all weeping the captivity was hard
Time and again they questioned her but couldn’t get her to speak a word.

From that day I never came her way just caught a few times her eyes
There was in them against me no complaint only a sorrowful surprise
Years have passed that afternoon is still to rust she still knocks on the door
Beckoning me to play the game of hide seek pleading not to lock her anymore.

Lorraine Colon 30 October 2013

Great story - loved it!

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