That Moon Is On The Water Poem by Mark Heathcote

That Moon Is On The Water

That moon is on the water.
Like a silver thread
Not knowing which way is best
Not knowing which way is best to get back home.

Shining in a lightning shiver
Like an ancient snake
Wondering if it can
Truly swallow its tail.

That moon is on the water.
Like a silver thread
And a spider is dangling.
From a dewy web

I am asking when I will get my portion.
When will I get fed?
I am asking when I will get a permanent home.
I'm tired of hanging by a thread.

That moon is on the water.
Like a silver thread
A waving lamp of my depth
Lord, please stop playing netball with my soul.

Quicksilver bird, now I'm free.
Now I've reached the sea.
Now I've reached the sky.
I'm free-flying high.

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