'' That's Why They Think We're All Dumb '' Poem by Bri Mar

'' That's Why They Think We're All Dumb ''

Give this a thought,
As respect can't be bought,
Just how can it be earned,
With some it's leaving others distraught,
False respect should leave us concerned.

With their mirrors and smoke,
Our pockets they choke,
Their gross errors they need not regret,
Playing with statistics things are gone in a stroke,
While we're left to pay all their debt.

They bring on fear,
To the rules don't adhere,
In their ways they want you to believe,
Refuse and believe me you will shed a tear,
Evil is what these people conceive.
You can be sure,
They love robbing the poor,
They are rotten right through to the core,
Hypocrisy reigns in their conceited demure,
Regardless they always want more.

Every day they get pissed,
From a subsidised list,
Paid for by those whom they serve,
Without us these bastards wouldn't exist,
They know how to hit a raw nerve.

They are under attack,
Yet they never crack,
It's on our complacency they feed,
Holding them to account is something we lack,
This fuels their insatiable greed.

Have a good guess,
At who creates our mess,
Yes, it does rhyme with electrician,
This very word does cause great distress,
To get rid of them should be our mission.

Though they cause pain,
Yes, they drive us insane,
For centuries we've been under the thumb,
The reason is simple, from revenge we refrain,

‘' That's Why They Think We're All Dumb ‘'

Thursday, January 5, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: political
University educated academics who run countries the world over in so called democracies which are up to their eyeballs in debt, they then leave office as multi millionaires despite their failures, are they really the right people to elect?
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