The American G. Volans: The Flying Squirrel Poem by Hebert Logerie

The American G. Volans: The Flying Squirrel

For now, this is it; this is high-five time.

This is a newly enjoyable venue,

The Fierce Five, especially you

Ought to be proud by taking considerable time,

To relax, enjoy your success,

And by ignoring the delusional critics who thought less

Of you a minute ago. You are the champion,

The former under-dog that yesterday stood

No chance of winning anything. The neighborhood

Loves you unconditionally. You are the modest lion,

Who made history in the arena. You are the agile squirrel,

Who has no fear for speed and height.

You know how to flash your God-given might.

You are young, strong, genuine and beautiful.

(Beauty is not truly well defined in our society.)

You simply have to keep on practicing consistently,

As in the past. With the help of the Almighty;

All things are possible. You possess great ingenuity,

And incredible determination. The sky is not your limit,

You will undoubtedly fly beyond: you are the champion.

You know how to lose gracefully and how to win.

You are young, strong, genuine and beautiful.

You are Gabby Douglas-Volans, the flying squirrel,

Who will not give up. You are the unselfish teammate,

Who makes unheard-of sacrifices for all.

Please, please, do not be afraid to walk tall.

You are human, modest and not perfect.

The Almighty Jehovah will help and protect

You, your teammates and clans, until the end of time.

You are the best; you are at your prime.

There is always tomorrow to win more honors,

More medals, more accolades and more awards.

You are determined like Phelps and the Williams on the floor.

You are combative; you always do more, and give more.

You are young, strong, and of course, the champion.

You know how to lose and definitely how to win.

The media is an inexperienced lover,

An instigator and a fallible harbinger.

Remember that you have the unconditional support of the neighborhood,

Who will stand by you, even when the climate is under a strange mood.

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