The Corona Virus Should Not Be Exaggerated Poem by MOHAMMAD SKATI

The Corona Virus Should Not Be Exaggerated

Rating: 5.0

The whole world is greatly and
Even absolutely scared to death
Due to Corona virus
Since it has appeared,
No one dares to shake hands
Even with one's closest relatives
Or friends anytime, anywhere, and
Even everywhere globally,
Life comes to a standstill and
Even human beings are rarely seen
Here or there,
Armies are deployed as
The whole services are greatly delayed
Due to what is going on around us,
Amusement times are no more
Simply because the whole people have chosen
Willingly or unwillingly
To home until this dark cloud evaporates fast,
Life's lull is absolutely gloomy and
Even scary to the point of no return,
We are all under the authority
Of a cruel Corona virus that refuses
To give up temporarily,
We are all at cross-roads unless
All is clear right now,
Only prayers are required
Just to restore some ofour tranquility
Which we lost,
Exaggeration is not needed, but
Some of us feel that people have exaggerated
Things beyond what is familiar,
Nightmares are seen by days
And even by nights
Due to what we all talk about.

The Corona Virus Should Not Be Exaggerated
Friday, March 20, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: disease
Anil Kumar Panda 20 March 2020

If we take care individually and support others it will vanish in a few days. Some people are creating nuisance by exaggerations. This should be stopped. There is no such calamity that human has not won over in the past. So just a little caution is required now. Thanks for posting such a nice poem on the subject.10++

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Kumarmani Mahakul 20 March 2020

Cruel Corona virus has captured the world and this is so sad. All are afraid of. We should be careful and should not shake hands. This poem is very amazing for awareness of people. This provokes thought.10

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Mohammad Skati 20 March 2020

Globally we are all within Corona's distance and we are all aware of this cruel microbe. I appreciate your pretty comments which are great to me, dear poet.

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