The Dead Of Winter Poem by David Wood

The Dead Of Winter

Rating: 5.0

The bitter cold air can be cut with a knife
Weighed down by a long cruel winter,
Sparrows and robins shiver away their life
While frozen twigs snap underfoot and splinter.

The early evenings damp mist swirls aloft.
The city streets, now empty and dark.
That cold night air, anything but soft,
Freezing everything frigid and stark.

A blustery icy cold wind slaps at your face,
A homeless man covered in yesterday news
Sleeps in a doorway about to lose life's race
Enters the long eternal dream, his final cruise.

As people walk on by, or simply look away.
He once had a home, a job and even a name.
But all that now gone as winter seeks its prey.
Yet, when all is said and done, who is to blame?

In the morning, the street will be swept clean
And a new bitterly cold damp day begins,
Where the wind will blow, hard and mean,
And life will continue, for all our sins.

Sunday, January 1, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: death,homelessness,winter
We have to be kind and generous during the winter months to all life that needs help.
Khairul Ahsan 07 July 2017

After a long gap, I've just read your last posted poem here, and perhaps one of your best too. An extremely well written and appealing poem. Nice rhyme too. 'As people walk on by, or simply look away. He once had a home, a job and even a name. But all that now gone as winter seeks its prey' - touched me! Best wishes and happy writing! Keep writing please.

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Loke Kok Yee 27 May 2017

Thank you David for this heart rending write, you rhythm and rhyme lifts me up. your theme is an inspiration

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Cigeng Zhang 10 January 2017

When the winter came, you had your compassion on the homeless. The last two lines are meaningful.A good work on the theme of winter.

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Wahab Abdul 01 January 2017

very nice poem, enjoyed reading it.

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