The Dream Keeper Poem by Langston Hughes

The Dream Keeper

Rating: 3.6

Bring me all of your dreams,
You dreamer,
Bring me all your
Heart melodies
That I may wrap them
In a blue cloud-cloth
Away from the too-rough fingers
Of the world.

Lesa K 02 August 2006

Wow! That was beautiful. Dreams can be very fragile... and should be tenderly nurtured.

58 45 Reply
Chiamaka Okorie 15 July 2009

wonderful poem................I did a project on this one

46 53 Reply
Susan Williams 27 September 2015

This sings! Makes me want to curl up in an armchair and read more and more Langston Hughes. He is wise, he is gentle, and then he can roar like a lion in the wilderness

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Lovelyisland Island 11 October 2017

best comment out of all of these

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Ahmed Gumaa Siddiek 23 July 2016

So beautiful. Dreams are human. Nice poem.

16 10 Reply
Pishi Shiraz 06 January 2021

I think this makes sense... lots of trollers here... anyways, cool poem, used it for my class project, short, easy to memorize. Overall, pretty underrated but nice and meaningful!

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Shit1 06 May 2020

This poem bland. It is so bad boooood

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ok ok ok ok ok 12 April 2019

ok okk ok ooo k ok ok ok ok ok okk ok okoko ok

3 2 Reply
my name is no 05 December 2018

its just a poem why are you all so like ' langston ur a genius' like it makes no sense you people crazy

4 9 Reply
none yo beezwax 05 December 2018

i did a project on dis 2 but it makes no sense at all my buddy langston what does this meen

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