The First Saltist Church Of Tariq Our Lord Poem by Jefferson Carter

The First Saltist Church Of Tariq Our Lord

Rating: 3.8


Whenever my mother mentions
Jesus, I praise Tariq, how,
2000 years ago, his spaceship
crash landed in central Utah.
Tariq, the Prince of Saltus, Tariq,
the 10-foot-tall alien who talks to me
in my dreams, whose ship of salt
dissolved in the 100-year rain.
I pray twice a day, facing
the Great Salt Lake. I drink a glass
of salt water each night.
When this world of tears ends,
when Lord Tariq returns, the planet
Saltus blood-red on the horizon,
the faithful will be like unto salt crystals,
the sweat drying on his awful brow.
My proof? Look at our language.
“Salt of the earth, ” “salty dog, ”
“the unplumbed, salt, estranging sea.”
And tell me this: when it
rains, what pours?

Thursday, April 24, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: religion
Oliver Ovid 11 February 2018

You missed out on so many salt references. That ain't kosher.

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Dawn Novus 18 September 2017

Salt is a preserver and early Christians were called "salt of the earth" because of their .message of light and life on a darkened (spiritually) earth at the time.

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Glen Kappy 21 May 2017

jefferson, i smiled at this as well. though i identify as an anabaptist christian, i imagine my response to born-again types, for whom voting republican is a doctrinal must, is similar to how you respond to your mother in this poem- minus the tariq thing. (explanation: if anything i'm generally more disgusted with democrats who in many respects have become indistinguishable from the elephant people. as to the choice between the two, it's something like choosing whether one wants to be stabbed in front or from behind.) another enjoyable read. thanks! glen

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Stan Petrovich 19 September 2014

Hilarious, JC. I, who have dwelt on the banks of the Salt River in Tempe, will now be looking under every other unturned stone for references. Where was this pillar of salt in the Bible? I'll have to Google it.

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Captain Herbert Poetry 24 April 2014

figuratively beautiful poem

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