The Flowerpot Man Poem by Ruth Walters

The Flowerpot Man

Rating: 5.0

He lived next door, so quietly,
with sour face and manners,
always pottering about
at dark, unearthly hours.
He never spoke or made small talk
and we all thought him snobby,
but through the summer months, oh yeah,
his flowers, they were bobbing.
He'd frolic, naked on his lawn,
he knew no guilt or shame
and neighbours, they would all take stock
at his well-muscled frame.
They'd scoff and grin and gossip,
he'd raise a glass to taunt them,
he didn't care for moral codes,
in truth, he used to scorn them.
Now I don't like the outdoors,
I just can't stand the worms
but I do admire pot plants
and men that wear no clothes.

Well I think it's funny..... but then, I wrote it.
Bri Edwards 28 July 2023

'potter around verb To potter, to be gently active doing various things in an almost aimless manner. Move around aimlessly.' (cont.)

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Bri Edwards 28 July 2023

(cont.) I'm not sure if I've ever heard of 'pottering around'. I think I've heard (here in U.S.) of 'puttering around'. (cont.)

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Bri Edwards 28 July 2023

(cont.) 'putter around verb To engage in meaningless activity. Move around aimlessly.' AND I FOUND THIS: (cont.)

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Belle Wassermeister 02 July 2024

When he frolicked naked on his lawn, more than just his flowers were bobbing!

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Nice. Class humour

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Jim McGill 31 July 2023

Do you now! 5 stars

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Bri Edwards 28 July 2023

I DID laugh (out loud) at the last line, and I did NOT mind that you did not end with a rhyme. BUT I did like the rhymes which I did find. five stars. : ) bri ok, maybe 'codes'/'clothes' is a rhyme.

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Ruth Walters 01 August 2023

I was told by other eminent poets that rhyming is out and who am I to argue with them

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Bri Edwards 28 July 2023

***** five stars for naked men and women who admire them. But 'WATCH OUT' for the worm between his legs (in front not back) . ;) bri

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