The Girl Who Cried Wolf

Hi, I'm Jane Doze and I have a story for you...

The Girl Who Cried Wolf

Do you remember the story the boy who cried wolf?

Well, here is a little twist.My mom and step dad were always so good at getting home way too late and scrambling to get us fed and in bed for school. Dinner was always around 11pm at night.

Let me give you some background on my little sister. Just so you know, I really love her. She was the most fun. She was picky. Especially about food. There was rarely an occasion that she did not complain. Imagine the whiniest voice coming from a child of seven. ' I don't like I have to eat this? ' 'Mom.... can't I have some cereal or some spaghetti o's? ' Mom...I don't like this...this taste gross! '

So, the whole family had gone to Valencia in Los Angeles. There is a beach there that is perfect for glider planes. We spent all day there. We were tired and hungry and of course, home by eleven. Here is my mom struggling to think of something for dinner because we hadn't eaten all day. She says, 'Jane, you can make Uncle Ben's instant rice can't you? ' That was my job.

I am nine years old making instant rice in the kitchen, in a hurry. She is frying up hamburger and adds her favorite quick remedy to everything...cream of mushroom soup.

So when it’s all done, she dishes up my little sister first. She does need to get to bed. Automatically upon taking a bite she says...'Mom... this tastes I have to eat this? ' and my mother who had too much for the day screams at her out of frustration...'You eat every bite of that dinner! ! ! ! '

So, my sister begins to cry and shovels the salty tears and the dinner into her mouth choking and gagging.

Then comes my step dad. My mom usually serves him first, but tonight there is no order in the way were are doing things. As my mom comes into the kitchen to dish her up.... my step dad yells...'Pam..... Pam come taste this! ! ! ' my mom responds with...'Honey I am dishing myself up right now.' He insists...'Pam.come taste this right now! ! ! ! ' So she goes out to him.

Apparently, you are supposed to use teaspoons full of salt for the instant rice not tablespoons. Three I think, I think I used three. By the time my mom came into the kitchen and asked me what spoon I had used; she turned to stop my poor sister from eating the terribly salty disaster. Too late. I am afraid she had eaten...every bite and was still crying.

She never complained about my moms cooking again.
Moral to the story: Only complain when the food is Too salty! ! !

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