The Golden Advice Poem by Mohammad Younus

The Golden Advice

If thy heart contains no worldly desires,
You will have azure skies and calm seas;
If you can sit listening to the divine lute,
You shall get connected to your inside guru;
And will receive lessons about the secrets true.

The snow-capped mountains, the green meadows...
...the brilliant sun, the moon, and the twinkling stars...
...are there as they were at the beginning of the time;
So are flora and fauna, the living and non living things;
I too live with them as a part of the vast universe;
Together we all make one ever lasting reality.

Get inside and watch the flowing musical streams;
The music will take you far away from the maddening world;
Read the books of knowledge and poetry by the great sages;
It will purify your spirit, and make it aware of the eternal truth;
Listen to the notes of the divine music calmly in your heart;
It will make your inspiration soar high and higher above.

All the sages have given us one piece of golden advice:
'Detachment from the mundane affairs must be our only goal...
...and of the million affairs of the world none must be our care;
Only then we can know about the eternal truth, and be one with it;
When the snares of worldly beauties disappear...
...we can surely then see what we really are! ! ! '


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