The Golden Axe. Poem by Binayakumar Mohanty

The Golden Axe.

Rating: 5.0

The wood cutter boy
is with utter dismay
something precious
it must be
he has lost as if,
he is in agony
pale turned his face
so gracious.

Neither the axe of steel
nor even of gold he claims
at his will.

Unlike the first, honest wood cutter,
he is no careless so
he is not
like the second one
with the intent evil too

The god of the forest
on him pleased though
his mood looked still low.

Nothing he wants
with no pain to gain
the golden axe he'll never claim
he goes not to pollute his
fathers name.

Some thing precious must
he has lost, so worried
plunging in to darkness
goes he buried.

Saturday, December 16, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: honesty,worries
Asochya Sidhatapa 26 October 2018

Nice poem on agony Thanks for sharinh

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Subhas Chandra Chakra 16 December 2017

Some thing precious must he has lost, so worried plunging in to dark ness goes, He buried. A lovely composition this one. I demand the third stanza be rewritten. 10++ for it. Subhas

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Binayakumar Mohanty 27 December 2017

Thanks sir you may read rewritten stanza as per your suggestion.

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