The Golden Rule Poem by Jim Yerman

The Golden Rule

As I watch many world religions fight, acting inhumane and cruel
It makes me ask the question, what’s happened to the Golden Rule?

Countries at war with one another, soldiers dying, a world of dread
Again I ask, has the Golden Rule been buried with the dead?

People going hungry every day, so many in the world oppressed
Is it possible the Golden Rule has been forgotten or suppressed?

We read of people murdering one another, even children, and we’re stunned
And I ask as we wipe our tears, has the Golden Rule been shunned?

Yes, so many sorrowful stories we hear each day...we hope they can’t be true,
And we ask, have we forgotten Do unto others as you would have them do unto you?

As I see people hating people just because of how they look or who they are
I think to myself...Do unto others hasn’t really evolved very far.

In a world where we are so connected we should look within our hearts
And find the reason why, when we’re so close, we still so far apart.

I believe the answer is a simple one and will come as no surprise
For it’s been around since the dawn of man sitting right before our eyes.

If you look at most of the world’s religions, (I remember learning this in school)
A basic lesson in all of them is some form of The Golden Rule.

Ah, but it’s not enough for the religions of the world, the Golden Rule to teach
Another thing I Iearned in school...we must practice what we preach.

We can point fingers as to the cause but we all shoulder part of the blame
For it’s up to each of us to follow the rule and treat everyone the same.

Is it possible the answer is so simple or am I once again the fool?
For thinking the world would be a better place if we all practiced the Golden Rule.

If it worked, if starting today we all practiced The Golden Rule
And the world became a better place...then I would gladly play the fool.

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