The Great Grace Of Nature! Poem by Ramesh T A

The Great Grace Of Nature!

Green grassland interspersed with colourful little flowers
Indeed is beautiful carpet of Nature that invites all there
To lie down with dear ones and friends to spend wonderful
Time in life to remember that forever and ever later sure!

Bouquet of colouful flowers we make out of freely grown
Flowers on various plants and trees we offer as our great
Gratitude to honourable souls and divine beings we love
To get a sense of fulfilment and satisfaction in our life!

Crowning beauty of Nature is the colourful flowers with
Various kinds of fragrances of their own we select to
Offer to our special and beloved beings in our lifetime
As our reciprocation of love we enjoy from them forever!

Nature is heaven and paradise in one that has helped us
To imagine about them and create for all to dream about
In life with moments difficult to surmount certain times
And that helps to lessen our burden albeit we aren't there!

This solacing, hope giving and confidence building measure
With the help of Nature is a great boon of all gifts we have
By the grace of the Universal Spiritual Energy activating
All things animate and inanimate everywhere in the Universe!

Wednesday, May 31, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: nature
Ramesh T A

Ramesh T A

Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
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