The Handsome Stranger Poem by Adams King

The Handsome Stranger

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Gorgonizing gaze from girls
Lavished on your looks
Your charms were like Egyptian gods
Irresistible seductive spells

I was made less a man by you
Both in purse and in physique
I envied you in my inner heart
My face couldn't hide my hatred

You stole Michelle my girl
And killed the dreams I had with her
Icouldn't help but cry
For I was by no chance a contender

You turned her water to wine
Intoxicated her with your handsomeness
You schooled your tongue with words Appealing to her better nature

I placed no blame on Michelle
For even blind love has nose to smell
A blind girl will chose you over me
If quality and quantity be the judge

Little did she know the adages of life
That good hearts succeeds good looks
She fell for your tricks and games
If I was born a lady I would do the same

You are a temptation no lady can resist
A man that suits all ladies taste
Others were but shadows in your world
You made men less of themselves

I never loved you for a moment
My hatred for you daily increased
You devoured Michelle my girl
And loosen her dignified tightness

You promised her a better heaven
She believed for only angels gives such
Your looks were more like one
Your romantic schemes and scenes

Now you left her shredded to threads
Attending to the wounds of the heart
You broke Michelle my girl
And made love her dreadful nightmare

How can I win or amend Michelle's heart
Which the handsome stranger destroyed
In my broken dreams I have tried
Scared of my imaginative reply I will get

Men are but of same evil vices
The handsome stranger painted us so
If Michelle must ever love me again
She must see me as a different soul

The hurt of the handsome stranger
Still sours the feelings she has
When betrayals are inflicted by angels
Who then should be trusted in love

I heard Michelle wept last night
Cried and cursed the day she loved
For the bitterness caused by the stranger
Made my sweet Michele a monster

How will I convince her I hold a better love
How will I tell her I have long dreamt of her
To Michelle love is but stool and men toad
You do not give that which you don't have

Sunday, April 28, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: deceit,envy,hatred,love
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