The Heart Of My Is Your My Love: Poem by Putri Misnia Shary Bahri

The Heart Of My Is Your My Love:

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You're the strength that makes me believe when tears
burst my eyes when hopes seem to given up believe in
hopes again You're the right place where I found
peace like there no war exist the love which
touch my soul & heart

No one can ever replace you in the heart of my
the never endless love romance lifts up the
meaning to the heart to the soul of my
you're my everything to me the only right place
the Angel aimed the real pure meaning of pure
love in my heart which I have give it all to you
with pure of the heart, the understanding that
no one can ever underrated the good side and
the bad

The angel directed me to you or you to me
through the prayer to God secure the heart
the place where my heartbeat come alive
once more somehow sore never exist
my only purpose that have an existing is you
the meaning of pure love risk self-sacrificing
in life

You're my permanent place I found my real happiness
pure love I want to grow old with you my love
I can prove and save all my kisses all my love
till the end of time in my life its the true
that can't be fool

I love you with all my heart you're the most
precious pieces within in me that God bring
us back through his Angel like the bless of
prayer in the heart of my

No one can ever replace my pure heart of love
through you, No one can ever replace you
no one can ever replace my pure heart to loved you my love
no one can ever break through what we have is real
the real beauty which the heartbeat capture the meaning
no one can ever understand only two partner can felt the
real meaning

The place of excitement laughter happiness comes alive
the real pure love capture the in-depth of our soul heart
combine in one the place of comfort of loving arm
secure heart the place of love no one can ever
replace the real beauty

The real pure love in life we have ups & down no matter what happen faith brings back and open up our heart to love someone with all our heart and soul and grow the real love more stronger.
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