The Key Poem by James Darwin Smith II

The Key

Killing kindness when serendipity tries eloping
Merging greed in the arsenal of spoiled fortune
Crying for the fear of everyone all around
Toilet bowl outrage, the soulless damned

And the already oppressed made to suffer more
As fat pockets become more obese
Laughing to the bank
Sucking on the golden cash cow teat
Cashing in sweat, blood and tears
Of those vanquished in defeat

Then the poor battles the poor
The middle attempts to topple the middle
While the rich gives themselves high praises
Raises In their own comfort
Laughing on as they stand
Upon their throne made of tired bones

And the pecking order stands tall
The kingdom ever so strong
Corporate monarchy ruling all classes
No one really has any say
The choices are always made
But shining shoes
And suites never paying any due

Where is the outrage in all of this?
Too busy being distracted with shiny new toys
With fictional pageantry disguised as reality
As realism keeps dying each day

But to say anything
One will always be labelled insane
Because sanity is reserved by the finger pointing craze
Never taking any responsibility
When there is always someone else to blame

The truth keeps suffering
Lies loved and adored
Denial the in thing of today
As honesty cries out in vain

Who is really poor?
Those whom never knew a conscious existed
Dining on gold plated design
As their empathy of life is zero to none

And the world keeps being drained
Of all and everything
But who will place to live when everything is gone
Them, Not you are or I

Compassion is dying
Breathing on its last breath
But who cares
As long as there is simple entertainment
Trending number one every single day

Life as we know it at this very time
Is pretentious in make pretend
Even love is becoming more and more manufactured
As feelings are becoming buried down under
In the grave of an all-time belligerence

So which god do the masses really obey?
He must be rich I would think
Because greed is the number one religion today

But I am the crazy one right?
Well I am proud to be who I am
Because this soul will never be sold
To lowest form of life
I will always be who I am
True to everything and anything
That comes my way

I would rather be low and defeated in truth
Than join the lies of today

Does anyone know what I mean?
I am just myself
That is all that I will ever be
This soul belongs to me

Who are the ones who are truly free?
Ask yourself this digging deep within

Denial is the death of soul
Always be true to yourself
Never let yourself go
There is too much pain in this world today

The sensitivity of ones surroundings
Makes up for true success

Even if one has to suffer in agony
In this brutal world of today
They can rest assure they are
True to their own words and everything

After all
To truly be human
We should always be humane

Love, is the key to everything!

Written on 3/19/17
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