The Lord Poem by mike monahan

The Lord

Rating: 5.0

For I am the Lord that give you life, I am the lord that ends all strife, I am the lord that sent His son to suffer, hung on a cross until his body was done, I am the Lord who made him rise I took Him back to my paradise, I am the Lord who forgives your sins, I am the lord who loves you and all your kin, I am the Lord who awaits you to take you home when the body dies, to my heaven beyond the skies...

Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: bible
Jack Colbrook Addams 26 January 2015

as a Christian that poem means a lot to me. Simply beautiful!

208 0 Reply
Kevi Keego 14 July 2019

Praise the Lord! ! nice little piece of poetry

32 0 Reply
Fred Scott 20 August 2015

May the good Lord keep on inspiring you mike. another beautiful theme.

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Matila Veronica Juntuta 05 April 2015

Always a pleasure to read your poetry Mike! very inspirational!

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Mary Donnelly 12 March 2015

Soul searching verse for anyone. Enjoyed deeply. God Bless mike.

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Henry F James 04 March 2015

Praise the Lord! ! I agree with you Jack C!

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