The Meadow Poem by LeeAnn Azzopardi

The Meadow

Rating: 5.0

How I miss the pollen that has left me
Catching my breath?
The meadow that we spent time in
Is being bulldozed for new homes
I remember us watching the mourning doves and wrens
With the fascination of serious birders
As we hoped we wouldn't be eaten by the mosquitos
We stepped into the muddy waters
To watch the tadpoles become frogs
We would pack the picnic basket and a blanket
And head out before anyone would know we were gone
What the meadow meant to us!
On those lazy summer days eating lunch
And then, taking a nap in the shade
Soon, it will be gone forever
But the meadow will be in my memories
Because of you

Wednesday, March 31, 2021
Topic(s) of this poem: environment,bittersweet love
Kevin Patrick 06 April 2021

Without a doubt this poem touches on my own yearning for being outside. Its the only place that makes me feel good.

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Kevin Patrick 06 April 2021

This means a lot to me, I live on the outskirts of a city where their are many areas of wide meadows, now development is changing that and altering everything. This poem represents everything we are loosing in the way of development

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Kostas Lagos 01 April 2021

The price of progress...but the memories remain. They always do. Beautiful poem

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Captain Cur 31 March 2021

Sweet meadows of memory! How we cherish memories of things gone past, yet how vividly we can visualize them, when those happy memories abound. A great nostalgic write!

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