The Missing Part I Have Been Searching For My Entire Life Poem by Daya Nandan

The Missing Part I Have Been Searching For My Entire Life

Rating: 4.5

Lying here missing you, another sleepless night spent thinking of you,
What i wouldn't give to spend every day with you under our sky so blue,
The sight of you is a vision of ecstasy, I can view a whole universe through your eyes,
I want to spend every day with you, from simple cuddling to a night chasing illuminating fireflies,

I am so glad i found you my earthbound angel who loves me so much,
With your special angelic kisses and your ever sexy angelic touch,
It's true that your presence is the work of God, there is no doubt,
You are my special angel i can never live without ;)

I miss you everytime i am not around you,
My heart aches, when it comes to people, love consists of two,
You are my other half, there will be no other
Because as long as our heart beats for each other, i can never love another

You are the most beautiful woman i have ever laid my eyes upon,
So perfect, sexy and mesmerizing, my love for you shall never be gone,
the site of your elegance is a pleasure to the eyes,
The presence of your entrancing aura brightens the darkest of skies,

Its not difficult to see, when it comes to matters of the heart, your love makes me crazy,
You clear the clouds in my mind, you make the path of love clear, its no longer hazy,
God put you here on earth, a perfect angel that a woman did give birth,
My earthbound angel, who brings heaven on earth,

As long as the sun can shine and the wind can blow,
I will hold on to you and and i will never let you go,
What more can i ask for, i have the perfect woman to be my future wife,
You complete the missing part i have been searching for my entire life ;)

Thursday, July 23, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: love,love and life
Elena Plotkin 23 July 2015

Great poem! Great rhyme. Full of love and passion.

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