The Most Loyal Critters Poem by The Original Tom Maxwell

The Original Tom Maxwell

The Original Tom Maxwell

East St. Louis Illinois /now in Junction city, or Belleville, Illinois

The Most Loyal Critters

Rating: 5.0

As humans we should be the most important creatures, to each other,
in this world today, why are so many homeless, and we let dogs live,
in our homes, and rule the house where they stay.

Most people would not think of inviting a homeless person in for a meal, the animals always have a full bowl, and their every move,
is such a big deal.

Many people sleep outside, with only a sidewalk to rest their head,
While the shedding so called pets, lay comfortable on their humans bed.

Is it because our dog's always love us, and never talk back,
Or because they are always ready to play, when entertainment we lack.

We never have to wait on them, just say the words, " lets go ",
And they sit by our side, when our day is moving slow.

They are always watching who is around, guarding us in their own way,
and the most loyal critters, we will ever find on earth, during our days.

S.zaynab Kamoonpuri 13 August 2020

Cont/... If I saw an animal/ pet in distress along with a human, I would always save the human first. Kudos for a fab great poem! ! Plz do read and comment your thoughts on my newest prose titled, " face veils/face masks same thing " as it fosters an understanding of the shared veiling practice btw east and west since history.

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S.zaynab Kamoonpuri 13 August 2020

Yes our love for dogs and pets is selfish many times so I feel this great awesome poems should and ought to, inspire humans to think about fellow humans first, selflessly help them because we have to be kind to our kind who are homeless and impoverished by bad luck. We should be Niven kind to dogs and animals but I strongly believe that if we have to choose btw saving an animal or human we should choose to save the human.

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Mahtab Bangalee 12 August 2020

They are always watching who is around, guarding us in their own way, and the most loyal critters, we will ever find on earth, during our days. .....beautiful poem penned....yes Dogs the most loyal animal best friend of human

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Deluke Muwanigwa 12 August 2020

Nice poem. Because we hate ourselves. Self hate.

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The Original Tom Maxwell

The Original Tom Maxwell

East St. Louis Illinois /now in Junction city, or Belleville, Illinois
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