The One Who Provides The Ammunition Will Be The Last Who Goes Before The Firing Squad Poem by Raj Dronamraju

The One Who Provides The Ammunition Will Be The Last Who Goes Before The Firing Squad

You are a capitalist and it shows in your dreams
They are of ownership and money and the accumulation of things
You sell the weapons that will bring down your own greedy, rotten dreams
The one who provides the ammunition will be the last who goes before the firing squad

Their violence is childish playacting of elites with a little knowledge and the rest empty space not filled in
It is theatre, a reenactment of a history their privileged status ensures they will never be a victim of
Until now, the order for them may be favored but their turn will come eventually

No need to consult static and unchanging books, this realization will be found in among the pages of common sense
The desire for profit and to have is a psychopathy as deranged as any sexual pervert
The sun doesn't rise any higher for humans in bigger cars and bigger houses

Give it up, man, the community you purport to serve sees right through you
Sack the store, start at the counter, candy bars crushed under foot
Enlightened citizenry know that the merchant who sells the hangman his rope is not an ally

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